About Hanneke Vermeulen

About Hanneke Vermeulen 

My education in art and photography started at the AKI (Academie voor Kunst en Industrie, Enschede, which is nowadays called Artez). I graduated here in 1995 with photography and graphic techniques.
After some time working as an autonomous visual artist I started with the Fotovakschool in Apeldoorn where I graduated in 2007 with documentary photography as specialty.
After that I worked as a freelance photographer and autonomous visual artist.

When I first started with photography it was like love at first sight, I worked a lot in the darkroom where you had this magic atmosphere and it was exciting to see how an image came up on the paper out of nowhere. I didn't like the digital photography in the beginning at all, there was a sharpness I didn't like and there was less depth. I had this feeling that I worked with things that didn't really exist, because it was not touchable. 
Now that I'm more used to it I see some advantages, for example that it's easy to share and that you immediately can see the results.
But because I missed the magic I experimented with polymer etching and printing photographs on wood and other materials. More and more I use a combination of techniques and I also rediscovered my old love painting. 
Now I'm glad to have the experiences of two generations of photographers, and I'm curious how this will develop.

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